This gallery contains different sample problems to demonstrate toughio
pre- and post-processing capabilities.
CO2 leakage along a fault#
The model geometry used in this example is inspired from the paper:
Cappa, Frédéric, and Jonny Rutqvist. “Modeling of Coupled Deformation and Permeability Evolution during Fault Reactivation Induced by Deep Underground Injection of CO2.” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 5, no. 2 (March 2011): 336–346. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2010.08.005>.
The fault modeled in this sample problem has already been reactivated by increasing the permeability from its original value.

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Heat pipe in cylindrical geometry (EOS3)#
Heat pipes are systems in which an efficient heat transfer takes place by means of a liquid-vapor counterflow process, with vaporization and condensation occurring at the hot and cold ends, respectively. Heat pipe processes occur naturally on a large scale (kilometers) in two-phase geothermal reservoirs, and they may be induced artificially if heat-generating nuclear waste packages are emplaced above the water table in partially saturated geologic formations.
The present problem models such high-level nuclear waste emplacement in an approximate way. This problem corresponds to the sample problem No. 2 of TOUGH2 User Guide.