CO2 leakage along a fault#

The model geometry used in this example is inspired from the paper:

Cappa, Frédéric, and Jonny Rutqvist. “Modeling of Coupled Deformation and Permeability Evolution during Fault Reactivation Induced by Deep Underground Injection of CO2.” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 5, no. 2 (March 2011): 336–346. <>.

The fault modeled in this sample problem has already been reactivated by increasing the permeability from its original value.

Generate mesh in Python with Gmsh

Generate mesh in Python with Gmsh

Generate MESH and INCON files

Generate MESH and INCON files

Generate model parameters input file

Generate model parameters input file

Import and visualize simulation outputs in PyVista

Import and visualize simulation outputs in PyVista