Input file#

A TOUGH input file is defined in a single human-readable and JSONable dictionary where each parameter is defined by an explicit keyword and associated a value. For instance, to define the title of the simulation:

parameters = {
    "title": "My simulation",

toughio provides the function toughio.read_input() to read TOUGH input files. Simply pass the input file name to the function as follows:

import toughio
parameters = toughio.read_input("my_input_file.inp")

Similarly, the input file can be written using the function toughio.write_input():

import toughio
toughio.write_input("my_input_file.inp", parameters)

Optional arguments can be passed to both toughio.read_input() and toughio.write_input(), in particular file_format that tells the function how to correctly parse the input file. The following file formats are supported:

  • "tough": TOUGH main input file

  • "toughreact-flow": TOUGHREACT flow input file (same as "tough" with additional parameters)

  • "toughreact-solute": TOUGHREACT solute input file

  • "toughreact-chemical": TOUGHREACT chemical input file

  • "json": any of the above exported to JSON format

If the file format is not provided, it will be inferred from the file name and default to "tough" if the format cannot be guessed:

  • "tough": if the file name is "*/INFILE", "*/MESH", "*/GENER" or "*/INCON"

  • "toughreact-flow": if the file name is "*/flow.inp"

  • "toughsolute-flow": if the file name is "*/solute.inp"

  • "toughchemical-flow": if the file name is "*/chemical.inp"

  • "json": if the file name is "**/*.json"

Note that both toughio.read_input() and toughio.write_input() merely act as file parsing functions and do not check the validity of the parameters which is left to the discretion of the user.

TOUGH (main)#

A TOUGH input file is defined as follows:

    "title": str, list[str],
    "eos": str,
    "isothermal": bool,
    "n_component": int,
    "n_phase": int,
    "do_diffusion": bool,
    "n_component_incon": int,
    "rocks": dict,
    "default": dict,
    "solver": dict,
    "options": dict,
    "extra_options": dict,
    "more_options": dict,
    "selections": dict,
    "generators": list[dict],
    "boundary_conditions": list[dict],
    "diffusion": list[list[float]],
    "times": list[float],
    "element_history": list[str],
    "connection_history": list[str],
    "generator_history": list[str],
    "rock_history": list[list[str]],
    "output": dict,
    "elements": dict,
    "connections": dict,
    "initial_conditions": dict,
    "meshmaker": dict,
    "minc": dict,
    "chemical_properties": dict,
    "non_condensible_gas": list[str],
    "index": bool,
    "start": bool,
    "nover": bool,
    "array_dimensions": dict,

The equation-of-state (EOS, block MULTI) is defined by the keyword "eos" which accepts any of these values:

  • "eos1"

  • "eos2"

  • "eos3"

  • "eos4"

  • "eos5"

  • "eos7"

  • "eos8"

  • "eos9"

  • "ewasg"

  • "eco2n"

  • "eco2n_v2"

  • "eco2m"

  • "tmvoc"

toughio.write_input() will use the default EOS parameters (i.e., number of components and phases). Alternatively, the number of components and phases can be set individually by the keywords "n_component" and "n_phase", respectively. These keywords supersede the values set by "eos". Isothermal simulations can be carried out by setting "isothermal" to True. In that case, the number of equations is equal to the number of components.

Rock properties#

Rock properties (block ROCKS) are defined using the keyword "rocks" as a dictionary where keys refer to the names of the rocks and the values to their properties. Domainwise initial conditions (block INDOM) can also be defined by providing the keyword "initial_condition". For ECO2M and TMVOC, an additional keyword "phase_composition" can be used to define phase composition materialwise (block ROCKS), domainwise (block INDOM) or elementwise (block INCON). For instance, for a rock called "rock1", its properties are defined as follows:

"rock1": {
    "density": float,
    "porosity": float,
    "permeability": float, list[float],
    "conductivity": float,
    "specific_heat": float,
    "compressibility": float,
    "expansivity": float,
    "conductivity_dry": float,
    "tortuosity": float,
    "klinkenberg_parameter": float,
    "distribution_coefficient_3": float,
    "distribution_coefficient_4": float,
    "phase_composition": int,
    "initial_condition": list[float],
    "relative_permeability": {
        "id": int,
        "parameters": list[float],
    "capillarity": {
        "id": int,
        "parameters": list[float],

Default rock parameters can be set using the keyword "default". In that case, the default rock properties are used if they are not defined for a given rock. Default relative permeability and capillary pressure models (block RPCAP) can also be defined in "default" using the keywords "relative_permeability" and "capillarity", respectively. Note that the default initial conditions for all grid blocks correspond to the last record of block PARAM.


Computational parameters are simply defined in "options" as a dictionary organized as follows:

    "n_iteration": int,
    "n_cycle": int,
    "n_second": int,
    "n_cycle_print": int,
    "verbosity": int,
    "temperature_dependence_gas": float,
    "effective_strength_vapor": float,
    "t_ini": float,
    "t_max": float,
    "t_steps": float, list[float],
    "t_step_max": float,
    "t_reduce_factor": float,
    "gravity": "float",
    "mesh_scale_factor": "float",
    "eps1": "float",
    "eps2": "float",
    "w_upstream": "float",
    "w_newton": "float",
    "derivative_factor": "float",

Additional options can be defined in "extra_options" (MOP) and "more_options" (block MOMOP) as dictionaries as well:

    1: int,
    2: int,
    N: int,

where N denotes the maximum number of additional options in either "extra_options" or "more_options".

For some EOS, the keyword "selections" can be used to define integer and floating point options specific to an EOS:

    "integers": dict,
    "floats": list[float],

where "integers" is defined as above (with N = 16).

Sources and sinks#

Sources and sinks (generators, block GENER) are defined in "generators" as a list of dictionaries repeated for each generator. A generator is defined as follows:

    "label": str,
    "name": str,
    "nseq": int,
    "nadd": int,
    "nads": int,
    "type": str,
    "times": list[float],
    "rates": float, list[float],
    "specific_enthalpy": float, list[float],
    "layer_thickness": float,
    "n_layer": int,

If "times" is provided, "rates" and "specific_enthalpy" must be provided as well as lists of equal length.

Time-dependent boundary conditions#

Time-dependent boundary conditions (block TIMBC) are defined in "boundary_conditions" as a list of dictionaries repeated for each fixed variable and element. A time-dependent boundary condition is defined as follows:

    "label": str,
    "variable": int,
    "times": list[float],
    "values": list[float],


Diffusion is enabled when the keyword "do_diffusion" is set to True. In that case, the number of secondary parameters in block MULTI is automatically set to 8 (6 otherwise). Diffusion data is defined using the keyword "diffusion" as an array (i.e., list of lists) of shape (n_component, n_phase).


Outputs can be generated at specific time steps in "times" (block TIMES) defined as a list where each value corresponds to a time step at which an output is desired. Time-dependent outputs at specific element, connection or generator can be requested in "element_history", "connection_history" and "generator_history" as a list where each value is the label associated to the desired elements/connections. For TOUGH3 v1.1 and above, "rock_history" can be used to generate rock to rock flow data.

Hysteresis options#

Hysteresis options are defined in "hysteresis_options" as a dictionary:

    1: int,
    2: int,
    3: int,


For TOUGH3/iTOUGH2, outputs can be customized in "output" (block OUTPU):

    "format": str,
    "variables": list[dict],

where the desired variables to output are defined a list of dictionaries repeated for each variable. An output variable is defined as follows:

    "name": str,
    "options": int, list[int],


Elements (block ELEME) are defined by keyword "elements" as a dictionary where keys refer to the labels of the elements and the values to their parameters. For instance, for an element called "AAA00", its parameters are defined as follows:

"AAA00": {
    "nseq": int,
    "nadd": int,
    "material": str, int,
    "volume": float,
    "heat_exchange_area": float,
    "permeability_modifier": float,
    "center": list[float],


Connections (block CONNE) are defined by keyword "connections" as a dictionary where keys refer to the labels of the connections and the values to their parameters. For instance, for a connection called "AAA00AAA01", its parameters are defined as follows:

"AAA00AAA01": {
    "nseq": int,
    "nadd": int,
    "permeability_direction": int,
    "nodal_distances": list[float],
    "interface_area": float,
    "gravity_cosine_angle": float,
    "radiant_emittance_factor": float,

Initial conditions#

Elementwise initial conditions (block INCON) are defined by keyword "initial_conditions" as a dictionary where keys refer to the labels of the elements and the values to their parameters. For instance, for an element called "AAA00", its initial conditions are defined as follows:

"AAA00": {
    "porosity": float,
    "userx": list[float],
    "values": list[float],


Meshmaker parameters (block MESHM) are simply defined in "meshmaker" as a dictionary:

    "type": str,
    "parameters": list[dict],
    "angle": float,

The keyword "type" denotes the type of mesh to generate. The following values are accepted:

  • "xyz"

  • "rz2d"

  • "rz2dl"

Note that the keyword "angle" is only used when "type" is "xyz".

If "type" is set to "xyz", each dictionary in "parameters" is defined as follows:

    "type": str,
    "n_increment": int,
    "sizes": float, list[float],

Otherwise, for "rz2d" and "rz2dl":

    "type": str,
    "radii": list[float],
    "n_increment": int,
    "size": float,
    "radius": float,
    "radius_ref": float,
    "thicknesses": list[float],

The keyword "type" denotes here the type of increments to generate. The following values are accepted:

  • "radii": keyword "radii" is required

  • "equid": keywords "n_increment" and "size" are required

  • "logar": keywords "n_increment" and "radius" are required, "radius_ref" is optional

  • "layer": keyword "thicknesses" is required


MINC parameters are defined in a separate dictionary from "meshmaker" by the keyword "minc", and is organized as follows:

    "type": str,
    "dual": str,
    "n_minc": int,
    "where": str,
    "parameters": list[float],
    "volumes": list[float],


In addition to "phase_composition" (see Rock properties), two other keywords can be set to define parameters specific to TMVOC.

Chemical properties (block CHEMP) are defined using the keyword "chemical_properties" as a dictionary where keys refer to the names of the chemical species and the values to their properties. For instance, for a chemical specie called "my_chemical", its properties are defined as follows:

"my_chemical": {
    "temperature_crit": float,
    "pressure_crit": float,
    "compressibility_crit": float,
    "pitzer_factor": float,
    "dipole_moment": float,
    "boiling_point": float,
    "vapor_pressure_a": float,
    "vapor_pressure_b": float,
    "vapor_pressure_c": float,
    "vapor_pressure_d": float,
    "molecular_weight": float,
    "heat_capacity_a": float,
    "heat_capacity_b": float,
    "heat_capacity_c": float,
    "heat_capacity_d": float,
    "napl_density_ref": float,
    "napl_temperature_ref": float,
    "gas_diffusivity_ref": float,
    "gas_temperature_ref": float,
    "exponent": float,
    "napl_viscosity_a": float,
    "napl_viscosity_b": float,
    "napl_viscosity_c": float,
    "napl_viscosity_d": float,
    "volume_crit": float,
    "solubility_a": float,
    "solubility_b": float,
    "solubility_c": float,
    "solubility_d": float,
    "oc_coeff": float,
    "oc_fraction": float,
    "oc_decay": float,

Non-condensible gases (block NCGAS) can be listed using keyword "non_condensible_gas" as a list where each value is the name of a non-condensible gas.


For TMVOC input files, the argument eos="tmvoc" must be provided to the functions toughio.read_input() and toughio.write_input().

Array dimensions (iTOUGH2)#

iTOUGH2 allows users to provide array dimensions if an array is insufficiently dimensioned. An additional keyword "array_dimensions" can be used to specify such values, as follows:

"array_dimensions": {
    "n_rocks": int,
    "n_times": int,
    "n_generators": int,
    "n_rates": int,
    "n_increment_x": int,
    "n_increment_y": int,
    "n_increment_z": int,
    "n_increment_rad": int,
    "n_properties": int,
    "n_properties_times": int,
    "n_regions": int,
    "n_regions_parameters": int,
    "n_ltab": int,
    "n_rpcap": int,
    "n_elements_timbc": int,
    "n_timbc": int,

TOUGHREACT (flow.inp)#

TOUGHREACT flow input file is similar to TOUGH main input file but with additional keywords. In particular, a new keyword "react" is used to define options specific to TOUGHREACT.

    "react": {
        "options": dict,
        "output": {
            "format": int,
            "shape": list[int],
        "poiseuille": {
            "start": list[float],
            "end": list[float],
            "aperture": float,

where "options" represents the block REACT and is comparable to "more_options" (i.e., dictionary with integers as keys). Note that "output" and "poiseuille" represent the blocks OUTPT and POISE, while "wdata" is written in block PARAM.

Rock properties#

Additional properties are available in "rocks". For a rock called "rock1", the new properties are defined as follows:

"rock1": {
    "porosity_crit": float,
    "tortuosity_exponent": float,
    "react_tp": {
        "id": int,
        "parameters": list[float],
    "react_hcplaw": {
        "id": int,
        "parameters": list[float],


An additional keyword "react_wdata" can be used in "options" to write out flow data at selected elements.

    "wdata": list[str],

Sources and sinks#

Two additional parameters can be defined in "generators" for each generator to set up time-dependent thermal conductivity:

    "conductivity_times": list[float],
    "conductivity_factors": list[float],

The two lists must have the same length.

Initial conditions#

An additional keyword "permeability" can be used in "initial_conditions" to define elementwise permeability. The permeability of an element called "AAA00" is defined as follows:

"AAA00": {
    "permeability": list[float],

TOUGHREACT (solute.inp)#

A TOUGHREACT solute input file is defined as follows:

    "title": str,
    "options": dict,
    "flags": dict,
    "files": dict,
    "output": dict,
    "default": dict,
    "zones": dict,

The functions toughio.read_input() and toughio.write_input() require MOPR(10) and MOPR(11) (defined in flow.inp) to correctly parse the file.


Options are simply defined in "options" as a dictionary organized as follows:

    "sl_min": float,
    "rcour": float,
    "ionic_strength_max": float,
    "mineral_gas_factor": float,
    "w_time": float,
    "w_upstream": float,
    "aqueous_diffusion_coefficient": float,
    "molecular_diffusion_coefficient": float,
    "n_iteration_tr": int,
    "eps_tr": float,
    "n_iteration_ch": int,
    "eps_ch": float,
    "eps_mb": float,
    "eps_dc": float,
    "eps_dr": float,
    "n_cycle_print": int,

If MOPR(10) == 2, additional keywords can be set to define convergence bounds:

    "n_iteration_1": int,
    "n_iteration_2": int,
    "n_iteration_3": int,
    "n_iteration_4": int,
    "t_increase_factor_1": float,
    "t_increase_factor_2": float,
    "t_increase_factor_3": float,
    "t_reduce_factor_1": float,
    "t_reduce_factor_2": float,
    "t_reduce_factor_3": float,


Flag options (i.e., chosen among a finite number of integer values) are defined using the keyword "flags" as a dictionary:

    "iteration_scheme": int,
    "reactive_surface_area": int,
    "solver": int,
    "n_subiteration": int,
    "gas_transport": int,
    "verbosity": int,
    "feedback": int,
    "coupling": int,
    "aqueous_concentration_unit": int,
    "mineral_unit": int,
    "gas_concentration_unit": int,


Simulation input and output files are defined in "files" as a dictionary organized as follows:

    "thermodynamic_input": str,
    "iteration_output": str,
    "plot_output": str,
    "solid_output": str,
    "gas_output": str,
    "time_output": str,


The list of names or indices of the chemical species for which to output results can be provided using keyword "output" as a dictionary:

    "elements": list[str], list[int],
    "components": list[str], list[int],
    "minerals": list[str], list[int],
    "aqueous_species": list[str], list[int],
    "surface_complexes": list[str], list[int],
    "exchange_species": list[str], list[int],


Indices of chemical property zones are defined using the keyword "zones" as a dictionary where keys refer to the labels of the elements and the values to the zone indices associated. For instance, for an element called "AAA00", its indices are defined as follows:

"AAA00": {
    "initial_water": int,
    "injection_water": int,
    "mineral": int,
    "initial_gas": int,
    "adsorption": int,
    "cation_exchange": int,
    "permeability_porosity": int,
    "linear_kd": int,
    "injection_gas": int,
    "element": int,  # Optional
    "sedimentation_velocity": float,

If MOPR(11) == 2, keyword "element" can be optionally used to set the water composition of this element to be recirculated as an injection water into the element specified by "injection_water". If MOPR(11) == 1, keyword "sedimentation_velocity" must be set.

Default zone indices are defined in a similar dictionary in "default".

TOUGHREACT (chemical.inp)#

A TOUGHREACT chemical input file is defined as follows:

    "title": str,
    "primary_species": list[dict],
    "aqueous_kinetic": list[dict],
    "aqueous_species": list[str],
    "minerals": list[dict],
    "gaseous_species": list[dict],
    "surface_complexes": list[str],
    "kd_decay": list[dict],
    "exchanged_species": list[dict],
    "exchange_sites_id": int,
    "zones": {
        "initial_waters": list[dict],
        "injection_waters": list[dict],
        "minerals": list[dict],
        "initial_gases": list[list[dict]],
        "injection_gases": list[list[dict]],
        "permeability_porosity": list[dict],
        "adsorption": list[dict],
        "linear_kd": list[list[dict]],
        "cation_exchange": list[list[float]],

Sections that are not required may be skipped (i.e., not defined). Similarly, within all sections, some parameters depend on other parameters and can be ignored as well. If a keyword is indeed required yet undefined, default values will be used (0 for integers, 0.0 for floats, "''" for strings), and a warning will be prompted in the console.

Primary species#

Primary species are defined by keyword "primary_species" as a list of dictionaries repeated for each primary specie. A specie is defined as follows:

    "name": str,
    "transport": int,

Aqueous kinetics#

Aqueous kinetics are defined by keyword "aqueous_kinetics" as a list of dictionaries for each kinetic reaction. A reaction is defined as follows:

    "id": int,
    "n_mechanism": int,
    "species": [
            "name": str,
            "stoichiometric_coeff": float,
        # Repeat for each specie
    "product": [
            "specie": str,
            "flag": int,
            "power": float,
        # Repeat for each specie
    "monod": [
            "specie": str,
            "flag": int,
            "half_saturation": float,
        # Repeat for each specie
    "inhibition": [
            "specie": str,
            "flag": int,
            "constant": float,
        # Repeat for each specie
    "reaction_affinity": {
        "id": int,
        "cf": float,
        "logK": float,

Secondary aqueous species#

Secondary aqueous species are defined by keyword "aqueous_species" as a list of strings repeated for each aqueous specie. Each string is the name of a secondary aqueous specie.


Minerals are defined by keyword "minerals" as a list of dictionaries repeated for each mineral. A mineral is defined as follows:

    "name": str,
    "type": int,
    "kinetic_constraint": int,
    "solid_solution": int,
    "precipitation_dry": int,
    "gap": float,
    "temp1": float,
    "temp2": float,
    "dissolution": {
        "k25": float,
        "rate_ph_dependence": int,
        "eta": float,
        "theta": float,
        "activation_energy": float,
        "a": float,
        "b": float,
        "c": float,
        "ph1": float,
        "slope1": float,
        "ph2": float,
        "slope2": float,
    "precipitation": {
        "k25": float,
        "rate_ph_dependence": int,
        "eta": float,
        "theta": float,
        "activation_energy": float,
        "a": float,
        "b": float,
        "c": float,
        "volume_fraction_ini": float,
        "id": int,
        "extra_mechanisms": [
                "ki": float,
                "activation_energy": float,
                "species": [
                        "name": str,
                        "power": float,
                    # Repeat for each specie
            # Repeat for each mechanism

Gaseous species#

Gaseous species are defined by keyword "gaseous_species" as a list of dictionaries repeated for each gaseous specie. A specie is defined as follows:

    "name": str,
    "fugacity": int,

Surface complexes#

Surface complexes are defined by keyword "surface_complexes" as a list of strings repeated for each surface complex. Each string is the name of a surface complex.

Primary and gas species with Kd and decay#

Primary aqueous and gas species with Kd and decay are defined by keyword "kd_decay" as a list of dictionaries repeated for each specie. A specie is defined as follows:

    "name": str,
    "decay_constant": float,
    "a": float,
    "b": float,

Exchanged species#

Exchangeable species are defined by keyword "exchanged_species" as a list of dictionaries repeated for each specie. A specie is defined as follows:

    "name": str,
    "reference": bool,
    "type": int,
    "site_coeffs": list,

An additional keyword "exchange_sites_id" is used to define the model for the dependence of exchange sites on water saturation.

Initial and injection water zones#

Initial and injection water zones are defined in "zones" by keyword "initial_waters" and "injection_waters", respectively, as a list of lists repeated for each zone. Each zone is defined by a list of dictionaries for each specie:

    "temperature": float,
    "pressure": float,
    "rock": str,
    "species": [
            "name": str,
            "flag": int,
            "guess": float,
            "ctot": float
            "log_fugacity": float,
            "nameq": str,
        # Repeat for each specie

Initial mineral zones#

Initial mineral zones are defined in "zones" by keyword "minerals" as a list of lists repeated for each zone. Each zone is defined by a list of dictionaries for each specie:

    "rock": str,
    "species": [
            "name": str,
            "volume_fraction_ini": float
            "flag": int,
            "radius": float,
            "area_ini": float,
            "area_unit": int,
        # Repeat for each specie

Initial and injection gas zones#

Initial and injection gas zones are defined in "zones" by keyword "initial_gases" and "injection_gases", respectively, as a list of lists repeated for each zone. Each zone is defined by a list of dictionaries for each specie:

    "name": str
    "partial_pressure": float,  # If initial gas
    "mole_fraction": float,  # If injection gas

Permeability-porosity law zones#

Permeability-porosity law zones are defined in "zones" by keyword "permeability_porosity" as a list of lists repeated for each zone. Each zone is defined by a list of dictionaries for each specie:

    "id": int,
    "a": float,
    "b": float,

Surface adsorption zones#

Surface adsorption zones are defined in "zones" by keyword "surface_adsorption" as a list of lists repeated for each zone. Each zone is defined by a list of dictionaries for each specie:

    "flag": int,
    "species": [
            "name": str,
            "area_unit": int,
            "area": float,
        # Repeat for each specie

Linear Kd zones#

Linear Kd zones are defined in "zones" by keyword "linear_kd" as a list of lists repeated for each zone. Each zone is defined by a list of dictionaries for each specie:

    "name": str,
    "solid_density": float,
    "value": float,

Cation exchange zones#

Cation exchange zones are defined in "zones" by keyword "cation_exchange" as a list of lists repeated for each zone. Each zone is defined by a list of cation exchange capacity values for each exchange site.