- bruces.modeling.etas(catalog, end_time=None, mc=0.0, theta=0.2, alpha=0.5, c=0.001, K=0.1, b=1.0, d=1.0, seed=None)[source]#
Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence.
- Parameters:
catalog (
) – Earthquake catalog of background events.end_time (scalar, datetime_like or None, optional, default None) – Maximum simulation time. Default is origin time of last earthquake in input catalog.
mc (scalar, optional, default 0.0) – Magnitude of completeness.
theta (scalar, optional, default 0.2) – Omori’s exponent (> 0.0).
alpha (scalar, optional, default 0.5) – Aftershock productivity constant.
c (scalar, timedelta_like or None, optional, default None) – Aftershock productivity constant (in days if scalar). Default is 0.001 days.
K (scalar, optional, default 0.1) – Aftershock productivity constant.
b (scalar, optional, default 1.0) – b-value.
d (scalar, optional, default 1.0) – Characteristic length (in km).
seed (int or None, optional, default None) – Seed for random number generator.
- Returns:
Simulated catalog (background and aftershock events).
- Return type:
Origin times are generated following Helmstetter and Sornette (2002)
Locations are implemented following Ogata (1998)
Magnitudes are distributed following Gutenberg-Richter law
- bruces.modeling.magnitude_time(times, rates, m_bounds, n=50, b_value=1.0, seed=None)[source]#
Generate earthquake magnitude-time distribution.
- Parameters:
times (sequence of scalar or sequence of datetime_like) – Dates for every seismicity rate samples (in years if scalar).
rates (array_like) – Seismicity rates.
m_bounds (array_like) – Magnitude bounds (support for CDF from which magnitude values are sampled).
n (int, optional, default 50) – Number of magnitude points to define CDF.
b_value (scalar, optional, default 1.0) – b-value.
seed (int or None, optional, default None) – Seed for random number generator.
- Returns:
List of magnitude samples for every time steps.
- Return type:
- bruces.modeling.seismicity_rate(times, stress, stress_ini, asigma, t_crit=None, t_bound=None, first_step=None, max_step=None, reduce_step_factor=4.0, rtol=1e-05)[source]#
Rate-and-state modeling of seismicity rate.
- Parameters:
times (sequence of scalar or sequence of datetime_like) – Dates for every stressing rate samples (in years if scalar). Common to all integration points.
stress (sequence of scalar) – Stressing rates or sequence for every integration points.
stress_ini (scalar or sequence of scalar) – Background stressing rate or sequence for every integration points.
asigma (scalar or sequence of scalar) – Free parameter for rate-and-state constitutive model or sequence for every integration points.
t_crit (datetime_like or None, optional, default None) – Critical time. Default is times[0].
t_bound (datetime_like or None, optional, default None) – Boundary time.
first_step (scalar, timedelta_like or None, optional, default None) – Initial time step size (in years if scalar). Default is 1 day.
max_step (scalar, timedelta_like or None, optional, default None) – Maximum allowed time step size (in years if scalar). Default is 1 month.
reduce_step_factor (scalar, optional, default 4.0) – Factor by which time step size is reduced for unsuccessful time step.
rtol (scalar, optional, default 1.0e-5) – Relative convergence tolerance.
- Returns:
Seismicity rates or list of seismicity rates for every integration points. Returned seismicity rates are relative to background seismicity rate.
- Return type: